Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards

In order to reward citizens and organizations that have made outstanding contributions in scientific and technological progress, raise enthusiasm and creativity of scientists and technologists, speed up the development of science and technology and improve their overall national strength, the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued the " Technical Award Ordinance", the ordinance reads as follows:

The State Council established the National Science and Technology Awards, which includes the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award, the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award and the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.

Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards

(Promulgated by Decree No. 265 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on May 23, 1999, revised for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on State Science and Technology Awards on December 20, 2003; revised for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Annulling and Amending Certain Administrative Regulations on July 18, 2013; and revised for the third time by Decree No. 731 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on October 7, 2020)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1  These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Progress of Science and Technology for the purpose of rewarding the individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological progress, stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of scientists and technologists, and developing China into an innovative country and a world leader in science and technology.

Article 2  The State Council establishes the following State science and technology awards:

(1) the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award;

(2) the State Natural Science Award;

(3) the State Technological Invention Award;

(4) the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award; and

(5) the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 3  The State science and technology awards shall closely be associated with major strategic needs and medium- and long-term scientific and technological development plans of the State. The State increases the rewards for basic research in natural science and for applied basic research. For the State Natural Science Award, emphasis shall be placed on forward-looking and theoretical aspects. For the State Technological Invention Award, emphasis shall be placed on originality and practicality. For the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, emphasis shall be placed on the innovative aspect and the benefits yielded.

Article 4  In the work concerning the State science and technology awards, leadership of the Communist Party of China shall be upheld, the strategy for innovation-driven development shall be carried out, the guidelines of respect for labour, knowledge, talent and creation shall be implemented, and the core socialist values shall be cultivated and practiced.

Article 5  The State upholds the fairness, solemnity, authority and honour embodied in the State science and technology awards, and confers the awards on the scientists and technologists who pursue their quest for truth, are devoted to research, are specially talented in their studies and research, dare to surpass others and are brave to scale new heights.

Nomination, evaluation and conferment with respect to the State science and technology awards shall brook no interference by any organization or individual.

Article 6  The science and technology administration department of the State Council is responsible for formulating the relevant measures and for organizing the evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards. Strict confidentiality measures shall be taken for the projects involving national security.

Performance assessment shall be implemented with respect to the State science and technology awards.

Article 7  The State establishes the State Science and Technology Awards Commission. The State Science and Technology Awards Commission shall engage experts and scholars of relevant fields to form an evaluation committee and supervision committee which are responsible for evaluation and supervision with respect to the State science and technology awards.

The choice for constituent members of the State Science and Technology Awards Commission shall be put forward by the science and technology administration department of the State Council and reported to the State Council for approval.

Chapter II Establishment of the State Science and Technology Awards

Article 8  The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award shall be conferred on the following Chinese citizens:

(1) those who have achieved major breakthroughs in the frontiers of contemporary sciences and technologies or who have made outstanding attainments in the development of sciences and technologies; and

(2) those who have created tremendous economic returns, social benefits or ecological and environmental benefits, or have made significant contributions to safeguarding national security, through scientific and technological innovation, transformation of scientific and technological results, and industrialization of high technology.

The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award shall not be classified in grades and it shall be conferred on no more than 2 persons each time.

Article 9  The State Natural Science Award shall be conferred on individuals who have made major scientific discoveries in elucidating natural phenomena, characteristics and laws in the course of basic research and applied basic research.

The major scientific discoveries mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:

(1) having not yet been brought forth or elucidated by predecessors;

(2) having immense scientific value; and

(3) having received general recognition among domestic and foreign natural science communities.

Article 10  The State Technological Invention Award shall be conferred on individuals who, in applying scientific and technological knowledge, have made major technological inventions in the form of products, techniques, materials, devices, the systems thereof, etc.

The major technological inventions mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:

(1) having not yet brought forth or made public by predecessors;

(2) being advanced, inventive and practicable in nature; and

(3) through practical use, producing notable economic returns, social benefits, or ecological and environmental benefits, or constituting remarkable contributions to safeguarding national security, and offering good prospects for application.

Article 11  The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award shall be conferred on the individuals and organizations that have achieved, applied and spread the use of innovative scientific and technological results, thus making outstanding contributions to advancing scientific and technological progress and economic and social development.

The innovative scientific and technological results mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall meet the following conditions:

(1) being outstanding in terms of technological innovation and being advanced in terms of techno-economic indicators;

(2) through application and widespread use, producing notable economic returns, social benefits or ecological and environmental benefits, or constituting remarkable contributions to safeguarding national security; and

(3) making major contributions to promoting scientific and technological progress of a given industry or in other areas.

Article 12  There are 2 grades for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award and the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award respectively: the First Prize and the Second Prize. A Special Prize may be awarded to persons that have made especially major scientific discoveries, technological inventions or innovative scientific and technological results.

Article 13  The International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China shall be conferred on the following foreign nationals or organizations that have made important contributions to China’s scientific and technological undertakings:

(1) those that have accomplished major scientific and technological results in cooperative research and development with Chinese citizens or organizations;

(2) those that have achieved particularly notable results in imparting advanced science and technology to Chinese citizens or organizations and in training of persons of ability; and

(3) those that have made important contributions to promoting international scientific and technological exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

The International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China shall not be classified in grades.

Chapter III Nomination, Evaluation and Conferment with Respect to the State Science and Technology Awards

Article 14 A nomination system shall be implemented with respect to the State science and technology awards, and no self-recommendation shall be accepted. Candidates shall be nominated by the following units or individuals:

(1) experts, scholars and organizations that meet the qualification requirements prescribed by the science and technology administration department of the State Council; and

(2) the relevant departments of the central and State authorities, the science and technology department of the Central Military Commission, and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities separately listed in State plans.

The qualification requirements for nomination by the relevant individuals and organizations from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Taiwan region shall be formulated by the science and technology administration department of the State Council.

The embassies and consulates of the People’s Republic of China in foreign countries may nominate candidates for the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 15  The nominators shall nominate candidates strictly in accordance with the measures for nomination, shall provide nomination documents and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the documents, and shall bear the corresponding liability in accordance with regulations.

The measures for nomination shall be formulated by the science and technology administration department of the State Council.

Article 16  The relevant individuals or organizations shall not be nominated for or conferred the State science and technology awards where one of the following circumstances occurs in their scientific and technological activities:

(1) endangering national security, impairing social and public interests, harming human health, or violating ethics and morals;

(2) committing misconduct in scientific research, and being prohibited from participating in activities involving State science and technology awards, as stipulated by the relevant regulations of the State; or

(3) other circumstances as specified by the science and technology administration department of the State Council.

Article 17  The science and technology administration department of the State Council shall establish a database of evaluation experts embracing all disciplines and fields of learning, and update it in a timely manner. The evaluation experts shall be well-versed in the disciplines and fields of learning they are engaged in, and have a high academic level and good scientific ethics.

Article 18  Evaluation shall be conducted in adherence to the principles of openness, fairness and justice. Where an evaluation expert is involved in the vital interests of a candidate, which may affect fairness and justice of the evaluation, he shall recuse himself.

The members of an evaluation committee and the evaluation experts who participate in an evaluation shall abide by the rules of discipline governing the evaluation, and they shall not be allowed to seek benefits by taking advantage of their capacity as such or to collude with other members or experts when making decision by vote, which may affect fairness and justice of the evaluation.

The measures for evaluation shall be formulated by the science and technology administration department of the State Council.

Article 19 The evaluation committee shall set up an evaluation panel for conducting preliminary evaluation, and the panel shall be responsible for making preliminary proposals and submitting them to the evaluation committee.

The evaluation experts to participate in the preliminary evaluation shall be selected from the database of evaluation experts.

Article 20  The evaluation committee shall assess the preliminary proposals in accordance with relevant measures, and put forward to the State Science and Technology Awards Commission its proposals as to the persons on whom different types and grades of awards are to be conferred.

The supervision committee shall, in accordance with relevant measures, supervise the entire process of nomination, evaluation and dealing with objections, and shall report to the State Science and Technology Awards Commission on the results of supervision.

The State Science and Technology Awards Commission shall, based on the proposals of the evaluation committee and the report of the supervision committee, adopt a resolution on the persons on whom different types and grades of awards are to be conferred.

Article 21  The science and technology administration department of the State Council shall examine and verify the resolution made by the State Science and Technology Awards Commission on the persons on whom different types and grades of awards are to be conferred, and submit the results to the State Council for approval.

Article 22  The State Preeminent Science and Technology Award shall be submitted to the President of the State for signature and for bestowing of the medal, certificate and prize money.

The certificates and prize money for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award and the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award shall be bestowed by the State Council.

The medal and certificate for the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China shall be bestowed by the State Council.

Article 23  Information on the measures for nomination and evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards, the total number of awards, and the results of the awards bestowed shall be made known to the public and be subjected to public supervision.

Where confidential projects that involve national security are concerned, the relevant provisions of secrecy laws and regulations of the State shall strictly be abided by, and secrecy management of the content of such projects shall be strengthened, only to be made known within an appropriate scope.

Article 24  A research integrity review system shall be implemented in the work concerning the State science and technology awards. The science and technology administration department of the State Council is responsible for establishing a database to contain nomination experts, scholars and organizations, and evaluation committee members and experts, and candidates that act in a way seriously discrediting research integrity.

Conducting of activities by any individual or organization that may affect fairness and justice of nomination and evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards is prohibited.

Article 25  The amount of the prize money for the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award shall be determined by the State Council.

The amount of the prize money for the State Natural Science Award, the State Technological Invention Award and the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award shall be determined by the science and technology administration department jointly with the finance department of the State Council.

The funds for the awards for the State science and technology awards shall be covered by the budget of the Central Government.

Article 26  In publicizing the outstanding contributions made by, and the innovative spirit of, the winners of the State science and technology awards, the provisions of laws and regulations shall be abided by, in order to ensure security, confidentiality, appropriateness and rigorousness.

Article 27  Seeking illegitimate benefits under the name of the State science and technology awards is prohibited.

Chapter IV Legal Liability

Article 28  Where a candidate engages in activities that may affect fairness and justice of nomination and evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall circulate a notice of criticism and abolish his or its qualifications for a nominee, and the unit to which he belongs or the relevant department shall impose a sanction on him or it in accordance with law.

Where other individual or organization engages in activities that may affect fairness and justice of nomination and evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall circulate a notice of criticism; if the relevant candidate is liable, his or its qualifications for a nominee shall be abolished.

Article 29  Where an evaluation committee member or expert violates the rules of discipline governing evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall abolish his qualifications for such member or expert, and the unit to which he belongs or the relevant department shall impose a sanction on him in accordance with law.

Article 30  Where a winner plagiarizes or appropriates another person’s discoveries or inventions or other scientific and technological results, or obtains a State science and technology award through fraud or by other illegitimate means, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall, with the approval of the State Council, revoke the award and recover the medal, certificate and prize money of the award, and the unit to which he belongs or the relevant department shall impose a sanction on him or it in accordance with law.

Article 31  Where a nomination expert, scholar or organization assists another person in obtaining a State science and technology award by fraud through providing false data and documents, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall circulate a notice of criticism; if the circumstances are serious, the department shall suspend or abolish his or its qualifications for nomination, and the unit to which he belongs or the relevant department shall impose a sanction on him or it in accordance with law.

Article 32  Where a person violates the provisions of Article 27 of these Regulations, the relevant department shall investigate and punish the violation in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

Article 33 Where an individual or organization, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, acts in a way which has seriously discredited research integrity, he or it shall be recorded in the database for bringing serious discredit on research integrity, which shall be shared on the national credit information sharing platform, and joint disciplinary measures shall be taken in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.

Article 34  Where a candidate for a State science and technology award, or a winner, or an evaluation committee member or expert, or a nomination expert or scholar is suspected of violating other laws or administrative regulations, the science and technology administration department of the State Council shall notify the matter to the relevant department, which shall deal with it in accordance with law.

Article 35  Where a person who participates in organizing evaluation with respect to the State science and technology awards abuses his power, neglects his duty, or commits illegalities for personal gain in the course of evaluation, a sanction shall be imposed on him in accordance with law; if a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with law.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 36  Relevant departments may, based on the special circumstances in the field of national security, establish ministerial-level science and technology awards; people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities separately listed in State plans may each establish one provincial-level science and technology award. The specific measures shall be formulated by the departments or the local people’s governments that establish the awards, and shall be submitted to the science and technology administration department of the State Council and the relevant units for the record.

The science and technology awards at the provincial or ministerial level shall be established in accordance with the principle of simplicity, so that the number of awards shall be strictly controlled, the quality of awards improved and award procedures optimized. No other State departments, mass organizations, or public institutions managed with reference to the civil service law shall establish science and technology awards.

Article 37 The State encourages non-governmental sectors of society to establish science and technology awards. Non-governmental sectors of society that establish science and technology awards shall not charge any fees for award activities.

The science and technology administration department of the State Council shall provide guidance, service and regulation for non-governmental sectors of society in their efforts to establish science and technology awards, and shall formulate the specific measures.

Article 38  These Regulations shall be effective as of December 1, 2020.